The Attentive Mind: 62 Focus-building Brückenbau Exercises & the Feynman Technique Algorithm for Solving Practical Problems

This book provides very actionable principles and techniques that can be used to learn new skills amidst your busy schedule.

  • Type Paperback
  • Pages 165

2-IN-1: ⚠ Serious Productivity ♥ Exciting Activity

Are you tired of having difficulty concentrating on important tasks and solving complex problems? If so, this book is just perfect for you! Cybersecurity researcher and author Femi Reis explains the concept of Randomized Attention Dispersal which is on the spread in this digital age; he presents some carefully developed Brückenbau exercises to help improve attention span, while also providing an interesting application of the Feynman Technique Algorithm for developing logical solutions to practical problems.

Whether your attention span is strong, weak, or somewhere in-between, you will find these focus-building exercises and problem-solving techniques both helpful and exciting.

Benefits of Reading This Book:

– Develop your cognitive focus and increase your attention span
– Learn to solve complex problems with ease and logic
– Enjoy an exciting range of Brückenbau exercises to improve your cognitive abilities

What’s Included:

– Introduction to the concept of Randomized Attention Dispersal
– Extensive range of Brückenbau exercises for focus-building
– Unique application of the Feynman Technique Algorithm using Cognitive Transfer
– Self-developed framework for tackling practical problems